Frequently Asked Questions

Refund Policy


All payments are eligible for a full refund, minus any processing fees, up until one week before the start of the program or event. If specific purchases have been made for the participant, such as jerseys, balls, equipment, clothing, or services, these costs will be deducted from the registration payment, and the items will be provided if possible.


Cancellations made within the week prior to the start of the program/event can be refunded, but a $50 administration fee will apply.


Due to our non-profit status and tight margins, monetary refunds after an event has been completed are generally not feasible without incurring losses. However, if you are dissatisfied with an event or program, we are happy to discuss the possibility of offering a refund in the form of credit for a future program or event.





KCAA does not typically offer discounts for siblings or partial attendance. However, one of our goals is to ensure that every child has the opportunity to participate, regardless of financial status. As such, we are open to evaluating and offering exceptions on a case-by-case basis.